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Jet Ski Solutions also provides service for
four wheelers, dirt bikes, outboard engines, antique, vintage and more!
- Stators
- Ignition Coils/Spark Plug Wire
- Wiring Harnesses
JetSki Solutions uses only the highest grade materials for each application in our remanufacturing processes.
Our enhanced specifications and processes are designed to eliminate all known failure modes in each specific part or sub-assembly.
JetSki Solutions can restore or create a custom replacement for ANY model electrical box or electrical system, contact us for details. Short circuit and water damaged boxes are no problem!!
Kawasaki 800 SXR 750sx 750 sxi 750 STS 750ss ebox Ebox remanufacture service
magneto type 750 and 800sxr $490 2023 and later non magneto DC type 800sxr $535
Get that old, corroded e box restored to better than new condition today and spend less time wrenching, more time riding!
NEW.....MACHINED ALUMINUM FITTINGS Never worry about the white nylon breaking in the future!
Please note, the service does not restore the potted electronics inside the CDI / Igniter, In almost all cases, the igniter is good it is the old tired corroded wiring, ground terminals,connectors, relay, plug wires etc causing problems. We test the igniter for basic operation, to the rev limit for one minute, This usually proves internal electronics are good.
We can not test the CDI / Igniter for time or temperature related issues
Custom length plug wires and harness lengths no problem.
Get that old, corroded e box restored to better than new condition today!
WE USE MACHINED ALUMINUM JOINT FITTINGS....No more white plastic fittings that will eventually break and let water in ! Black, Silver, Red and Blue in stock
- Full disassembly, ultrasonic & glass beading & manual & vibratory parts cleaning
- Die case case stripped, bead blasted and refinished with automotive system paint
- New case O ring seal
- Rectifier regulator and Igniter testing
- Taylor 8mm silicone stranded core plug wires, plug wire seals
- MSD terminals and boots
- All new wiring harnesses and connectors
- Revised Upgraded ground wiring
- New blade fuse harness with spare fuse
- Machined Aluminum joint fittings, black caps replaced if damaged
- relay remanufactured or replacement OEM only....no China parts!
- New relay case seals, white spacer plates, and other parts
- New connector for 800 sxr igniter or conversion to wire leads and bullet connectors
- New start stop switch wiring harness and connectors
- New air / water temp / gauge cluster wiring harnesses
- Bilge power output harness available
Severely corroded ignitions may have additional cost.